Financial Consolidation Software SoftLedger: Accounting Software & API

consolidation accounting

If a parent company has $2 million in asset totals and the subsidiary has $500,000, the combined assets are $2.5 million ($2 million + $500,000). Purpose-Built Financial Application – purpose-built financial consolidation applications are designed to integrate data from multiple sources, have specific functionality built in to handle the complexities of financial and debt consolidation, and typically have all the required security and audit trails.

What are the three methods of consolidation?

There are three consolidation methods, which are used depending on the strength of the Parent company's control or influence (see also Significant influence): Full consolidation, Proportionate consolidation, and the Equity method.

When there is evidence of impairment, the entity analyzes whether this impairment actually exists by comparing the asset’s net carrying amount with its recoverable amount . When the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, the carrying amount is written down to the recoverable amount and depreciation charges going forward are adjusted to reflect the asset’s remaining useful life. Both the income generated on the transferred financial asset and the expenses of the new financial liability continue to be recognized. The BBVA Group has policies, methods and procedures for hedging its credit risk, for insolvency attributable to counterparties and country-risk. These policies, methods and procedures are applied to the arrangement, study and documentation of debt instruments, contingent risks and commitments, as well as the identification of their deterioration and in the calculation of the amounts needed to cover their credit risk.

2 Accounting policies and valuation criteria applied

All of the above issues can be resolved with the right financial management software. The solution stores all information in one single repository and allows the consolidating and reporting processes to occur in real-time, eliminating the prolonged waiting time sending data back and forth.

  • The present values of post-employment welfare benefits are quantified based on an individual member data and are recognized under the heading “Provisions – Provisions for pensions and similar obligations” in the consolidated balance sheets .
  • This presumption and foundational principle were established in 1959, and while the basic principles endure, today’s consolidation analysis has evolved dramatically since then.
  • The transferred financial asset is not derecognized from the consolidated balance sheet and continues to be measured using the same criteria as those used before the transfer.
  • Furthermore, all the subsidiary revenues and expenses are assigned to the parent’s income statement.
  • As transactions are recorded for your various business segments, the related journal entries instantly roll into your financial statements.

We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. Centralized data allows headquarters staff to track and analyze performance in real time at parent and subsidiary levels.


This will be recognized on the consolidated income statement with the corresponding increase in equity. The cost of these benefits provided by Spanish entities in the BBVA Group to active employees are recognized under the heading “Personnel expenses – Other personnel expenses” in the consolidated income statements (see Note 46.1). The amount of the impairment losses incurred on these instruments represents the excess of their respective carrying amounts over and the present values of their expected future cash flows. These cash flows are discounted using the original effective interest rate. If a financial instrument has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective rate determined under the contract. Successful businesses commonly encounter opportunities to grow through acquisitions — by buying up competitors or other businesses.

What are the rules of consolidation?

  • Declare minority interests.
  • The financial reporting statements must be prepared in the same way for the parent company as they are for the subsidiary company.
  • Completely eliminate intragroup transactions and balances.

Acquiring additional shares in the subsidiary after control was obtained is accounted for as an equity transaction with owners consolidation accounting (like acquisition of ‘treasury shares’). Partial disposal of an investment in a subsidiary that results in loss of control.

IFRIC 17 — Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners

All balances and transactions denominated in currencies other than the euro are deemed to be denominated in “foreign currency”. This is done by allocating the remaining loss in proportion to the carrying amount of each of the assets in the unit. In the event the non-controlling interests are measured at fair value, the deterioration of goodwill attributable to non-controlling interests will be recognized. In any case, an impairment loss recognized for goodwill shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

  • Be aware that the income statements of the parent and sub will be consolidated post-acquisition.
  • The changes in fair value after the initial recognition, for reasons other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, are treated as described below, according to the categories of financial assets and liabilities.
  • At the subsidiary and corporate levels, record any adjusting entries needed to properly record revenue and expense transactions in the correct period.
  • You will have the ability to establish personal credibility with both internal and external clients; demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills; and work well with fellow team members while planning, prioritizing, and coordinating their workload to ensure meeting critical deadlines.
  • Consider the value of a quality business reputation that has been established for years.
  • An orderly worksheet can be used to demonstrate preparation of the consolidated balance sheet.

“Consolidation aims to present the financial position of a group of companies as if they formed one single entity .” It is critical to have a system for effectively managing your company’s cashflow. Family Offices SoftLedger makes it easy to consolidate reporting for family offices in one system. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation. At Aramco, our people work on truly world-scale projects, supported by investment in capital and technology that is second to none.

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